Frequently Asked Questions

What are the delivery times?

We take 2-4 days to process your order then 8-16 days to deliver it to you.

Do you ship anywhere in the world?

We will deliver worldwide.

Is shipping really FREE?

Yes, delivery is free in France on most items.

Where do we ship your product from?

Our offices are located in Paris , France . Our international warehouse is located in China.

Do you provide product tracking information?

Yes, wait 3 days after your order and ask us via email at

Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order? 

All requests can be sent to

Some items are missing from my order, what's happening?

Our products are shipped separately according to your order. For example, if this contains items from two different warehouses, there will therefore be two deliveries. The rest of the order will most likely arrive shortly.

I received a damaged item. What can I do?

We are sorry to hear this. Simply send us an image of the damaged item in question to: email address and we will send you a similar replacement item as quickly as possible.

I still have not received my order. What's taking so long?

We apologize for the delay. Sometimes international shipping may take longer than expected due to customs clearance. You can, however, trace your order and see where it is at any time. If you still feel you need help tracking your package or would like to inquire about it, please contact us by email at the following address:

Do you have a refund policy?

We do our best to resolve any issues our customers may encounter with their online items. If you still wish to receive a refund on your order, we can of course make the payment, in the event that the appeal is made within 14 days following the date of receipt of the order and the product(s) concerned are not not on sale or product for intimate or sanitary use. For more information, please read more about our refund policy.

Is payment on this site safe and secure?

You can be absolutely sure that all purchases made here are safe and secure.